Philokalia Vol 1 Main

Автор: G.E.H. Palmer, G.E.H. Palmer, Kallistos Timothy Ware, Philip Sherrard
Количество страниц: 384
Год публикации: 1983
ID товара: 28236866

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Gathers Orthodox Christian texts written between the fourth and eighth centuries about spiritual problems that can face every Christian

The Philokalia is a collection of texts written between the fourth and the fifteenth centuries by spiritual masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition. First published in Greek in 1782, then translated into Slavonic and later into Russian,The Philokalia has exercised an influence in the recent history of the Orthodox Church far greater than that of any book apart from the Bible. It is concerned with themes of universal importance: how man may develop his inner powers and awake from illusion; how he may overcome fragmentation and achieve spiritual wholeness; how he may attain the life of contemplative stillness and union with God.

The Philokalia is a collection of texts written between the fourth and the fifteenth centuries by spiritual masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition. First published in Greek in 1782, then translated into Slavonic and later into Russian,The Philokalia has exercised an influence in the recent history of the Orthodox Church far greater than that of any book apart from the Bible. It is concerned with themes of universal importance: how man may develop his inner powers and awake from illusion; how he may overcome fragmentation and achieve spiritual wholeness; how he may attain the life of contemplative stillness and union with God.

The Philokalia is a collection of texts written between the fourth and the fifteenth centuries by spiritual masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition. First published in Greek in 1782, then translated into Slavonic and later into Russian,The Philokalia has exercised an influence in the recent history of the Orthodox Church far greater than that of any book apart from the Bible. It is concerned with themes of universal importance: how man may develop his inner powers and awake from illusion; how he may overcome fragmentation and achieve spiritual wholeness; how he may attain the life of contemplative stillness and union with God.

Общая информация o: Philokalia Vol 1 Main

ID товара: 28236866
Категория: Духовная литература
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Тип: Религия
Издательство: Faber & Faber
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Автор: G.E.H. Palmer, G.E.H. Palmer, Kallistos Timothy Ware, Philip Sherrard
Количество страниц: 384
Год публикации: 1983

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